I’m not sure what this will actually be

But I’m going to go ahead and work on it anyway.

I think the first step is to just keep writing. Writing words. Writing code. Writing whatever I can think of.

It needs to be organised in a good way, which Quartz will let me do nicely. I’m following the digital garden principles. I sow the seeds by writing, and then I tend to it to let it grow by organising everything properly. In the end, I should have a second brain which I can refer to - leaving my actual brain leaner; able to work on problems creatively instead of juggling life anxieties and work stresses.


This site is built using Quartz. There will probably be some customisations to the site built out at some point in the future so that it suits me as well as possible. Those will be documented here.

It’s hosted on Cloudflare Pages.